San Francisco, Huabal, Cajamarca

Cup Score


Saul Menor Taica owns 4 hectares of land in the San Francisco area of the Huabal district. The altitude at the farm ranges from 1900 to 2000masl and Saul grows both caturra and catimor/castillo.
Over the two years Saul has greatly improved the cherry selection which has seen his coffee improve by as much as 4 points and the greatest improvement was seen on his caturra variety. This quality increase has translated into a threefold increase in household income and Saul is already renovating his catimor and planting caturra again. This lot is 100% caturra from the highest parts of Sauls farm and is one of the finest coffees in the area. Huabal Huabal is a district within the Jaén province of Cajamarca and is one of our strongest areas for members and quality.